Thursday 14 October 2004

Trained or untrained?


*or getting there*
07:12 out of bed
07:36 on bus
08:10 pool workout
09:17 in library
11:30 curry
13:30 run...reoccurance of curry. *ohhhh yuck*
15:02 back to the books
17:26 going to athletics training
18:10 at the track: track warm-up, sprints *fast and short*
19:02 core workout: planks
19:15 warm down/streaching
19:30 third shower of the day
20:20 home digging through the cupboards
20:30 eating and watching Northern Ireland v Austria *3-3*
21:43 in bed

it was a long day and my body is telling me.

but it's time to be trained. in mind and body.

"You were running superbly! Who cut in on you, deflecting you from the true course of obedience? This detour doesn't come from the One who called you into the race in the first place."

Run Further.

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