although A turned 30 in august, we only just celebrated with friends last night. it was great craic, with jay and jenny even coming up from Dublin for the occasion. we headed out to oxford exchange - great food and their 'early bird' menu was perfect. lots of laughs and good to see some people relaxing after hard weeks. it was also a nice break from the madness of all the music we've been working on - A had spent the day with Ian doing overdubs, while i was in bangor from half 8 recording the new irish orchestra with Ali.
meanwhile, this week i impulsively booked flights to NYC for 5 nights in december! A was shocked and delighted - he's been in winter before, while i've never been to the east coast so am looking forward to it. can't wait to ice-skate at rockefeller plaza!
the SM album is soon to be finished. we'll complete the overdubs this week and then get the mixing process underway. it truly has been madness and we're ready for it all to be finished so a) we can hand it over and not have to focus on it anymore, and b) so we can complete other projects waiting on the fringes.
start of another we go!
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